
Vacation Care: An Ideal Solution for Working Parents

camp participants having fun together during vacation care in NSW

As a working parent, school vacation periods can be very stressful. Having your kids home from school means that you need to find ways to entertain them and either need to take time off work to look after them or find a babysitter. You shouldn’t feel guilty for holding a demanding job that allows you to give your kids a good life, and many working parents are in the very same situation as you.

As a Sydney vacation care, Camp Blue is very popular with working and busy parents because of the safe and fun School Holiday Activities that we offer.

Using Vacation Time To Get Creative 

Instead of leaving your children for long periods of time with little to no entertainment but the television or their phone, why not send your child to a vacation care service that values creativity! At Camp Blue, we have specially designed programs that are made to bring out your child’s creativity, allowing them to learn new skills in a safe place with children their own age. Vacation time should be fun after all, and what better way than to use that time to learn something new and encourage interests! 

Learn To Work In A Team 

Often, when your child is around other children their own age, they are in a learning environment that encourages them to learn as individuals. At Camp Blue, we have many activities that emphasize teamwork, which is an excellent way for your child to learn to socialise with their peers. This is one life skill that can’t be taught in a book!

Get Them Away From The Screen 

We live in a digital era, and it is a worry for most parents that their kids spend too much time on their phones and watching TV. If you are a working or busy parent, controlling screen time may prove to be very challenging. The good news is that our vacation care in Sydney allows kids to have healthy social interactions and connect with nature.

Vacation Care Sydney: The Ideal Solution 

Camp Blue is a vacation care facility in Sydney that offers the ideal solution to working parents. Enjoy the peace of mind you get from knowing that your children are safe and that they are enjoying their vacation time to the fullest by learning new activities, exploring interests, and making friends!

Get in touch with us today should you want to learn more about our vacation care in Sydney! Or check out our website.


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