
New Year’s Goal-Setting With the Family

family and friends celebrating new year's eve

New Year’s resolution is a great time to talk to your family about goal-setting and how good it feels to create a plan to improve on something that has been challenging for them.

For parents looking to get their children on track with some healthier habits, helping them make a new year’s resolution could be a fun way to start.

Preschoolers could focus on habit-forming goals, such as cleaning up their toys and washing their hands after using the bathroom.

Tweens could focus on bigger ideas such as drinking more water, be active, and practice safety online.

Resolutions for teenagers could be anything from eating enough fruits and vegetables, to healthy ways to manage stress.

Family goal-setting can be both a bonding experience for families and a way for parents to teach their kids that life is about setting goals, recovering from setbacks and celebrating victories along the way. Here are some ideas for setting family goals.

  • Cook together once a week
  • Unplug devices
  • Create a reading time
  • Exercise as a family
  • Listen more and talk less
  • Go meatless one day a week

For a bit of fun on New Year’s Eve, we’ve created this resolutions activity sheet for you and the family to complete. Click on the attachment below to download today!

Camp Blue provides exciting school holiday camps in Sydney and Melbourne Australia. Check out our programs today for more information.  Our next camps kick off in January 2020.


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