
Meet our Camp Blue Director – Will Agnew

Camp Counsellor at Camp Blue in NSW

We are very excited to introduce you to our Camp Blue Director – Will Agnew.  Will spends some time telling us about his background and did a fun Q+A with us.  Read on for all the details.

Hello, Camp Blue family! My name is Will, and I am one of your friendly Camp Blue directors. I was born and raised in Sydney, but I have travelled to many parts of the world and gained a lot of life experiences… so far!

For 19 consecutive years, I have worked at a premier residential summer camp for children in Connecticut USA. During my time, I held a variety of roles including, Bunk Counsellor to Division Leader to Program Director and most recently seven years as Head Counsellor.  I have been part of camp operations from multiple perspectives and collaborated with many leading experts across the camping industry.

I am a huge believer in the power that an authentic camp experience can bring to children. Camp increases the development of your child’s independence, confidence, character and gives them a general sense of belonging.

When the opportunity came to join this passionate team at Camp Blue, I jumped at the chance! There’s honestly no better job in the world than to create unique and enriching experiences for kids.  Children need to develop their grit and discover their best selves, and they can do this at Camp Blue.

Here are a few fun questions to help us get to know Will.

a) What do you miss most about being a kid?

Endless energy and all the cuts and bruises that came from playing outdoors until the sun went down.

b) If you could ask advice from any historical figure, who would it be and what would you ask them?

Colonel Sanders – why did you let the chicken cross the road?

c)  If you had a personal theme song, what song would it be?

Let It Be by The Beatles. Life’s too short to hold onto bad vibes.

d) When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you pass the time?

Shoes on, earphones in, and walk along the harbour waterfront. Have to make the most of living in such an amazing part of the world.

e) What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

Jumping off the side of a mountain in the Swiss Alps. Very happy the parachute worked!

Please make sure you say hi to Will when you see him at camp! Our next camps kick off in April 2020. You can register for camp on our website – campblue.com.au


Camp Blue Manly
Camp Blue Stanmore

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